Sunday 27 December 2009

check me posting...

well I deleted all my entries in this cause I figured its a new year I'll do a fresh start.
I was going to wait until the start of the new year but I'm sodding bored right now and I can't sleep. So I'll ramble for a bit.

Sleep seems to be getting away from me lately. I guess theres other things on my mind but I'm fed up feeling shattered all the time.
Considering cutting down my hours at work to just part time. My mum is needing more help around the house and I'm getting a bit fed up feeling like on the rare occasion I get a day off I should do housework or something when really I just want to go nuts and drink a gallon of jack daniels or something. I know my mum would appreciate the extra help. We'll see.

I bought loads of clothes online the other day. I am determined to get a totaly decent wardrobe. Only I seem to be addicted to buying tops and seem to hate buying jeans. Maybe with my next pay check I should just spend it all on jeans.

Got so many amazing gigs lined up for next year. Starting off the year with a bang with going to see Hardcore Superstar with Hope. Fucking amazinggggg. Jocke Berg. Oooft. It's fair to say I will be weak at the knees. Can't wait.

Work tomorrow 10-7. What a horrible horrible shift. Today was fucking awful. Sooooo busy. And the new assistant manager seemed to keep telling people what to do for the sake of telling people what to do. Like trying to show his authority or something. I don't get why people can't just leave others to their job so there is no need to bitch and piss each other off. I don't know.I really don't have the patience for any of it just now.

Oooh the rum has finally kicked in. I'm off to bed.


p.s. is it bad that I seem to keep needing alcohol in order to get to sleep??

p.p.s. just realise rob from gunfire 76 uploaded some photos of me to his facebook :) what a sweetheart.

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